I just placed a Gi-normous order through VistaPrint for a grand total of $7.99 plus slow shipping of $10.10 to Texas. Here's my loot: (left) rubber stamp with words "I read this word! (space to write the word) I'm a reader!" I plan to use this on student papers for on-the-spot encouragement that they can show parents when they get home.

250 free business cards with my name and contact information. Parents can stick these up on the fridge or keep in their purse or wallet for handy reference.

10 free note cards. I made these Thank You note cards for student gifts.

: ) excellent
: good
: ( needs work
I couldn't do those symbols on the label, so I just left it blank, and I'll fill in the answer. This makes the interviews go much smoother. * Here's a tip I learned at a writing workshop: NEVER WRITE ON A STUDENT'S PAPER! If you must comment (and they suggest you don't), use a sticky note.

I got a special offer on this pen, just 1 though. I made it a Happy Birthday pen, and I'll just do separate orders for each birthday and put their names on them. Kinders LOVE pens, probably because they don't get to use them at home. I let them use pens to write on special occasions.

I got a free pad of sticky notes, so I make them "From the Desk of Jay Morton."

- staying quiet at lesson time
- being nice to my friends
- behaving at music/computer
- behaving in the hallway/restroom
- behaving at PE/lunch/library
- playing correctly at centers
- completing my work
- keeping my hands/feet to myself
I've ordered through VistaPrint many times, and they always do a great job. I've never had any problems with them. They recently added a step in the ordering process where they ask you if you are interested in purchasing various products. Just click "skip" or select "no." There aren't any tricks involved. I promise.