Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why Kindergarten Karaoke?

What's up with that name? Allow me to explain. Teaching Kindergarten is a lot like open mike night at a karaoke bar. Lectures just don't cut it. Kindergarten teachers must have star quality. They are entertainers as much as they are educators.

We aim for greatness. Everyday we stand up there and give our best performance in hopes that the little tykes we teach will absorb the information necessary to read! I'm hoping that this blog will present useful ideas for Kindergarten teachers to use in the classroom.

There is a lot of fluff and stuff out there. I scan teacher websites and wonder if these people have ever actually tried to do some of those activities with Kinders. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great ideas out there. I plan on putting them on this blog. But there are some problems.

The two problems I run into the most are: (1) a lot of these great teacher websites are obvious run by teachers with deeper pockets than mine and (2) there are a lot of activities that really aren't at the skill level of an average Kinder.

On this blog, I will only put activities that I have tested and feel are beneficial for average Kinders. Also, I'm married to a teacher, so I don't have any money to spend on materials. I make do with donations and yard sale finds and what I can purchase with my $100 supply budget. Suffice it to say that all activities on this blog will be budget friendly.

Please flag this blog and visit often. And link me up, baby!
